BSN NO-xplode 820g


Existing creatine supplements and related products make you wait days, weeks, or even longer to get results. If you’re like many, you won’t get any results at all. A key problem is that these products don’t “train” your muscles to store more creatine. Your muscles can only hold so much creatine. Once they’re topped off, the gains come to a screeching halt; and if your muscles are topped off to begin with, you may not respond to these products at all (non-responder). NO-Xplode has eliminated this problem by increasing you body’s creatine saturation point. It completely opens up the blood vessels (which feed the muscle), allowing the Muscle Volumizing Creatine Matrix to stretch the muscle cell and force it to hold more creatine and other volumizing nutrients. What’s even more amazing, is that this starts happening within minutes of ingestion.

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